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Taking Little Moments for “Me Time” – Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream

Today I am partnering up with Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream to share 5 ways I incorporate “me time” into my everyday life. I admit, when it comes to self-love, I often put myself last. I get into this go-go-go mentality and often get stuck in the same routines. Soon I am overwhelmed with a list of things that should have been done yesterday. This often leads to unnecessary stress and irritability. As I get older, I am starting to understand the importance of slowing down and taking time for myself.

No matter how busy I am, I try to do one or more of these things a week.  Afterwards I immediately feel more refreshed and ready to conquer anything. It honestly helps me to be a better person as well. I know there are times where I become so overwhelmed with to do’s, I turn into an unpleasant person. Sorry husband! It’s amazing how taking a little bit of time for yourself can help rejuvenate your soul.

So here are 5 ways I practice self-love.

1. Treat Yo Self: I like to do this once a week. As an adult you have to learn to reward yourself. Because let’s get real here. You don’t get a gold star every time you do a good job like you did in grade school. So why not give yourself that gold star. I like to treat myself with cute and delicious desserts like Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream. I love these cute ice cream treats that are wrapped in sweet rice dough. They come in a variety of delicious flavors like Raspberry White Chocolate and come in the prettiest pastel colors!I always feel so fancy eating Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream. The best part is that Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream is also made with high quality ingredients and most are 100 calories or less. Say what?! I can just pop into my local Whole Foods Market and pick up a variety of flavors at their Mochi Bar!

2. Go to Bed Early: I am a night owl and most productive in the evening. I can easily stay up until the wee hours of the night. Sometimes productively, and other times I get sucked into a YouTube black hole. Hahaha! I used to count this as “me time” since I was the only one awake. However, I am also an early riser, thanks to the hubby. Sometimes I only get 5 hours of sleep which often makes me irritable and tired in the morning. So now I wind down my day around 9pm and avoid any type of work or phone browsing. My goal is to be in bed by 10pm, so I will have at least 7-8 hours of sleep. When I do get 7-8 hours of sleep I am more focused and have more energy throughout the day.

3. Unplug: This next one is a lot easier than it sounds. Well for me, that is. I have a career in social media, so my phone is in my hands at all times. I constantly check emails, social media accounts, and like everyone else I am consumed by my phone. Although my phone is a useful tool, I often feel disconnected with the real world. One way I combat this is by not checking my phone as soon as I wake up or when I am ready to go to sleep. This helps me to take a few minutes in the morning and evening to really reflect on my day. I also try not to document everything, and rather live in the moment. Mostly this is when I am with family, because I want my full attention to them.

4. Paint Nails: This is one of my favorite ways to make time for myself. I paint my nails at least once a week and it is one of the most relaxing things that I do. There is something soothing about starting a new week with a new nail polish color! When I paint my nails I am only focused on this one task. Because who wants sloppily painted nails? I have always preferred to paint my own nails, rather than go to a salon, because I enjoy it so much. I count this as my art time as I lacquer on a bright nail polish color for the week. My husband also knows to not bother me, probably because he doesn’t like the smell of nail polish. But maybe that’s a plus! Hahaha!

5. Exercise: This is where I slack A LOT! We hear it all the time. Get up and exercise. I am not the most athletic person. However, I understand the importance of physical fitness. No longer are the days of having a high metabolism. So, I try to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. This ranges from taking jogs on my treadmill to dancing around in my house while I clean. I am not sure if carrying all my groceries from the car to kitchen in one go counts, but I do that too! Even though I don’t like to exercise, I try to make it part of my “me time” because I am the only one who can keep my body strong.

Self-love can mean many things. It’s important that we all make time for ourselves and just to love who we are. It can be the tiniest thing like getting more sleep or treating yourself to some Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream! Find what works for you and stick with it! Let me know how you take time for yourself. Do we share any similarities? 

A huge thank you to Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream for sponsoring this post. You can follow Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream on their Instagram and find where Bubbies is sold near you here.  Also if you don’t already, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.


2 thoughts on “Taking Little Moments for “Me Time” – Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream

  1. Mochi are one of my weaknesses, I absolutely LOVE them! I’ve tried all kinds of flavors at Whole Foods, being able to buy individually is a great way to figure out what your favorite is, or at least, that’s my excuse! Self-care is so important, you’ve got some good tips here!

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