Now that summer is here I usually spend more time outside enjoying the sun. This year I'm trying to be more cautious about protecting my skin from sun damage. So that means wearing more sunscreen, sunglasses, AND hats!! I never realized how fun hats could be and I wanted to put my own personal flair… Continue reading The Fancy Navajo Hat
The “Fancy” Navajo Taco
I'm slightly giggling as I just typed that title. It makes me smile because that is how my Navajo Tacos have been described. I'm not sure what makes them "fancy" but that is how my Navajo tacos have always looked since I was a child. I guess I have a fancy Navajo mom? Hahaha? Regardless it… Continue reading The “Fancy” Navajo Taco
Cha Cha Chia Seed PuddingÂ
Cha cha chia!! Anyone else remember these commercials growing up in the 90's? I remember I wanted one of  these plants badly but my parents never caved in. Hahaha... Who would have thought as an adult I would be eating these tiny seedlings for breakfast. Chia seeds are definitely highly nutritious and good for you… Continue reading Cha Cha Chia Seed PuddingÂ
Homemade Vanilla Granola
Today I am sharing my recipe for homemade granola. After many years of trying all different brands, spending upwards of $6 per box, and hurting my teeth on hard store bought granola, I finally put my foot down. Why was it so hard to make good granola?! The granola in the stores were either too… Continue reading Homemade Vanilla Granola
Mr. and Mrs. Succulent
So who here loves succulents?! Raise your hands high and proud. I love love love these little cuties. I am not going to lie the first time I saw these I thought they were artichokes. Hahaha.... But after I bought my first one, I wanted another and another. They come in all sizes, but the… Continue reading Mr. and Mrs. Succulent
Rainbow Carrot Love
Lately I have been obsessed with carrots. It started when I swapped out pretzels for carrots when I ate hummus. Then it got me thinking, why don't I eat more carrots? In particular cooked carrots. So for the past couple of months I have been making a conscious effort to buy carrots and cook them… Continue reading Rainbow Carrot Love
Almond Raspberry Muffins
All last week I had a craving for blueberry muffins. I even went out and bought fresh blueberries in anticipation of making them over the weekend. Sunday comes around and I start mixing together my ingredients. I go to wash my blueberries and they are MOLDY! Noo!!! Why didn't I make them earlier in the… Continue reading Almond Raspberry Muffins
I Love Pink
Some of my favorite things include pink, sweets, and coffee. I tried my first meringue around Easter and I have been hooked ever since. I've seen meringues around before, but they didn't peak my interest until I saw them in the new Cinderella movie. There is just something  very cute and feminine about them.  I'll… Continue reading I Love Pink
I'm overly excited right now. I can't believe I finally started a blog. I've been putting this off for quite awhile because I wasn't sure who would read it. However, I am not going to let fear of no one ever reading this turn into inaction. Who knows, there may be someone out there who… Continue reading Hello!