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Fancy Navajo Boba Almond Milk Tea 

If you are a Fancy Navajo then you probably have had or heard of boba tea. If you haven't, let's catch you up to speed.  Boba tea is an Asian tea drink (black or green tea)that is combined with milk to make a sweet dessert drink.  It is typically sold in most Asian restaurants or… Continue reading Fancy Navajo Boba Almond Milk Tea 

Breakfast · Food · Granola · Healthy · Home cook · Organic · Recipes · Uncategorized · Vanilla

Homemade Vanilla Granola

Today I am sharing my recipe for homemade granola. After many years of trying all different brands, spending upwards of $6 per box, and hurting my teeth on hard store bought granola, I finally put my foot down. Why was it so hard to make good granola?! The granola in the stores were either too… Continue reading Homemade Vanilla Granola