
Fancy Blue Corn Pumpkin Waffles Recipe

Happy November and Happy Native American heritage month! I don’t know about you, but I just love all things pumpkin this time of year. One of my favorite ways to incorporate this delicious ingredient is by adding it to all of my favorite foods. If you have followed my blog and/or Instagram for a while,… Continue reading Fancy Blue Corn Pumpkin Waffles Recipe

Recipes · Uncategorized

3 Dorm Friendly Indigenous Recipes

School is back in session and today I am sharing three dorm friendly recipes that incorporate indigenous ingredients. I recently partnered with the Southwestern Colorado Area Health Education Center (SWCAHEC) to lead a couple of classes for incoming freshman at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. It was so much fun sharing these 3 dorm… Continue reading 3 Dorm Friendly Indigenous Recipes

Recipes · Uncategorized

Fancy Hatch Green Chile Stew Recipe

Hi friends! It's officially my favorite time of year, Hatch green chile season. Being from New Mexico, green chile is basically part of my daily life. I pretty much add it to everything I eat. Around this time of year, Hatch green chiles are ready to pick and the best part, they are ready for… Continue reading Fancy Hatch Green Chile Stew Recipe

Blue Corn Cupcakes · Recipes · Uncategorized

Fancy Navajo – Blue Corn Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe

Fall is here which means it is time for everything PUMPKIN SPICE. One way I like to make my fall mornings more fancy is by making Fancy Blue Corn Pumpkin Pancakes. Not only are these pancakes a pretty blue color, but they also taste and smell just like fall. They are the perfect weekend breakfast… Continue reading Fancy Navajo – Blue Corn Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe

Fancy Navajo Rez Tour · Lifestyle · Travel

Fancy Navajo Rez Tour Part 3: Exploring Monument Valley

Welcome back to part 3 of the Fancy Navajo Rez Tour. If you have been following along I recently went on a road trip with my IG bestie Jen throughout the Navajo Nation. Today I am picking up from where we left off from Red Valley, AZ and where we ventured on our way to Monument Valley,… Continue reading Fancy Navajo Rez Tour Part 3: Exploring Monument Valley

Lifestyle · Reflections

5 Fancy Navajo Tips for Getting Through College

It’s back to school season and I am teaming up with my #Stylish Natives to share advice we wish we had growing up. Going back to school always made me feel anxious and nervous.  Yeah, I was that kid who cried on the first day of kindergarten and honestly probably until my senior year of… Continue reading 5 Fancy Navajo Tips for Getting Through College

DIY · Native Made · Reflections

What Navajo String Games Taught Me – Fancy Navajo Reflections

Growing up I remember playing Navajo string games. It was a fun activity we would do at school. Everyone would gather around at recess and we would watch each other transform our yarn into these intricate designs. Although we were at school, I did not learn string games from my teachers, but rather my peers.… Continue reading What Navajo String Games Taught Me – Fancy Navajo Reflections

Behind the Scenes · Fashion · Food · Foodie · Home cook · Lifestyle · Native Fashion · Reflections · Uncategorized

The Fancy Navajo 2017 Year Recap: Yá’át’ééh 2018, Goodbye 2017

2017 was such an amazing year and I am so excited for 2018! I said this last year, and I will say it again, never did I think people would read my blog, nonetheless, keep coming back. I am so grateful for all of your support and it encourages me to continue this journey.  THANK… Continue reading The Fancy Navajo 2017 Year Recap: Yá’át’ééh 2018, Goodbye 2017